Skyscanner is a leading global travel search site, a place where people are inspired to plan and book direct from millions of travel options at the best prices. We are unbiased and free, which means that the 80 million people who use us every month can trust our comprehensive range of flight, hotel and car hire options. Our secret is in our unique proprietary technology that connects people directly to everything the travel industry has to offer. We also power travel search for over 1200 partners through our marketplace.

Transport services

We're impartial and trusted

Skyscanner's success gives us the freedom to remain impartial within the travel industry. This enables us to move quickly, make our own decisions, and prioritise your interests - including maximising your exposure and revenue - above our own. We are passionate about creating brilliant products, and we are certain that this approach guarantees a promising future - for us, our users and our partners.

We have advanced technology at our heart

We are committed to being at the fore-front of new trends in travel search and technology. From being the first travel metasearch that built bots into Facebook and Skype, to becoming the first flight search engine that adopted IATA's NDC standard. Staying ahead of the curve means we can connect your brand to new audiences and expose travel services in contemporary environments, such as our direct booking platform.

We give you the insight to power your success

Our unique analytics tools give a deep view of your competitiveness in the marketplace. Boosting customer support performance and ultimately helping you enhance your customer offering. Our Travel Insight product takes this to the next level, providing a unique forward looking data set that opens up new routes and identifies future investment opportunities.